
Monday, December 25, 2017

Mother Nature's Test

Thoughts of not being able to get out of the house or where you are, maybe swirling in your head...but,

Maybe Mother Nature's unpredictable nature, is meant to reintroduce us all to the silence of 'Snow' & the possibilities of a clean new landscape.

If you let it - it can bring new hope...unlike other disasters this year - snow can clear your thoughts...

In the silence, let the past be cleansed by memories of childhood's innocence. Surrender yourself to optimism and dare to believe your at home in this world. Wherever you are & with whomever you find yourselves with. A long-awaited reverie, a cross-road that beckons you to reassess the landscape you've traveled & acknowledge the secret wounds that we all carry inside us. You can always go home - sometimes finding your way back - just takes a little longer. 

Merry Christmas, everyone. Be Safe. If your in the Northeast on this snowy Christmas, stay indoors, be careful there is a sheet of ice underneath everything and take a lot of breaks while shoveling.

Keep Asking Questions
Fairy Tale Access

We always try to f
ollow everyone back everywhere, you never who’ll you’ll meet or where the quest will take you.

"CONTACT ME" Fairy Tale Access aka Denies-Marie


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