
Friday, July 10, 2020

Quest Seekers Know ...

We're the ones who can't travel at the moment; but without hesitation continue the quest and spy the hidden beauty surrounding us. 

We're battling dragons when we step out and run into mask-less beings. 

We're finding new landscapes, dreams and characters in the figment of Authors imaginations and those writers who can still give us just the facts; to unravel and discern.  

We're still dreamers, but the impossible in fantasy and the what, where and how of non-fiction and history; begs us to acknowledge the why and be better going forward. 

We've seen magic and shared our own at all the right moments.  When we were lost and received directions - from the person hurrying on their way.  When we stopped and acted to help another simply because without thought it was the right thing to do at the right moment in time.  

We're the ones who know Freedom is a treasure that needs safe guarding - without the threat to even one life. 

We know the quest is an important journey filled with the authority of reason and conscience of the individual. There's no conflict between faith and knowledge or the worth and dignity of a single human life.  

We're the one's who've known hurdles and overcame them and know they'll be more. 

We've found the secrets to our own unraveling Fairy Tale Access; and encouraged others to share theirs through the art of listening and asking more questions.

We unequivocally know the human spirit is infinite in it's possibilities and it's the unity of experience that evokes tolerance and understanding.  

We know the end of the quest should be filled with good works, a completion of social and community involvement in the never-ending search for Truth. 

It's all sourced in the same reality.... keep asking questions.  See You Soon,  Love Denise-Marie 

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